azienda 2023-05-31T09:16:31+00:00


Albert Bonati s.r.l. was founded in 1949 when Giuseppe Bonati took over an old tape factory from the 1930s.

The new firm, which produces rigid and elastic clothing tapes, expanded over time and what was a simple family business became a full-fledged enterprise with a workforce of about 30 employees.

Later, son Pierangelo joined his father in management and production.


The firm began to change its appearance with the introduction of new machinery that modernized production while maintaining quality.

Nel 1990 la ditta si trasferisce nell’attuale sede di via Monte Rosa 16, e nel 1992 anche il figlio di Pierangelo, Alberto, decide di seguire le orme del padre e si dedica con passione al settore produttivo.


Experience, quality and passion combined with constant commitment and attention to market changes make our company able to adapt to the varied needs of customers by offering historical items for the brand combined with new products in step with current trends.



For more than 70 years in the market, we have been able to know and anticipate the needs of our customers.


Through careful selection of our suppliers, we use only high-quality materials and perform all necessary machining and finishing in-house


Attention to customer requirements and attention to detail are synonymous with the passion we put into making our items.
